Les liens du jour 10/25/2009
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Free Technology for Teachers: 35+ Educational Games and Games Resources
liste commentée de jeux éducatifs (en anglais)
Eight Great Interactive Sites that let you Paint like a Famous Artist
"Here are some neat interactive websites that will allow your students to create pictures that simulate the works of famous artists"
Webspiration: Online Visual Thinking Tool | mywebspiration.com
"Use Webspiration to map out ideas, organize with outlines and collaborate online with teams or colleagues"
Homepage | Livebrush & the Livebrush Project
"By combining simple motion controls with brush styles, Livebrush offers a fun and unique way to create graphics."
ImageChef - Personnalisez Photos, Clip Art
mélanger texte et photos et animer le tout,
modifier des photos -
How To Safely Uninstall Ubuntu From A Windows Dual-Boot Environment
Eyejot - the easiest way to send video
Free account allows for one-minute messages.
Create Your Own Comic | Marvel Super Hero Squad | The Official Web Site
7 New “Interesting Ways to Use” Resources | ICT in my Classroom
Ninite – Easily Install All Your Favorite Free Apps As One Installation
programme capable d'installer plusieurs applications en une seule fois!
How To: Virtualize Any OS For Free - Virtualization how to - Gizmodo
Breaking News English Lessons: ESL Plans Teaching Current Events
EFL / ESL English Lesson Plans & Podcast for studying Current Events and News.
Revues.org : portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales
beaucoup de revues en français
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.